ASTRO - Interference Over a Bid of 1NT
From Club Director Raj comes this article about ASTRO, This month I am listing a variety of ways to interfere with a 1 NT opener. See more at Bridge Bum ( Astro Bridge Convention - Bidding and Responses ) . A brief explanation of ASTRO follows. We intend to feature new Bridge items each week. As they used to say in the olden days of television, 'Stay Tuned!'... A defense to 1NT in which a double is for penalty, and 2/ overcalls are artificial. Brozel A defense to 1NT in which a double shows a one-suited overcall, and all 2-level bids show specific 2-suited hands. Cappelletti (Hamilton) A defense to 1NT in which double is for penalty, and 2-level overcalls are conventional. DONT A defense to 1NT in which double shows a one-suited hand, and 2-level overcalls show the bid suit + a higher suit. Gates Double An artificial double of 1NT by a passed hand. Landy A (very old) defense to 1NT in which a 2 overcall shows both majors. Multi-Landy (Woolsey) A very scientific defens...